A Place Called Kindergarten

June 2019

To Our Dear Kindergarten Children,

We are nearing the end of our Kindergarten year and we find ourselves thinking about you and everything that made our year together special, unique and really “us.”

As you were drawing and writing your June Self-Reflections, we were reflecting on the first day Kindergarten, and the many days that have followed.  We met you at the door each morning:  sometimes you came in with a story to share, sometimes with tears as you say good-bye to your parent, sometimes just with a smile and a big “good morning.”  But you always come inside the classroom, and you stay.  So that got us to thinking… what is this place we call Kindergarten?

Kindergarten is a place we know is safe.  Adults call it “predictability,” but in Kindergarten it means you could always count on the classroom to be the same each and every day, and just knowing that made you feel safe.  Your teachers, your classmates, your toys, blocks and art materials.  You always knew how things were going to be:  You knew our expectations and love for you would be steadfast and sure, no matter what.  

Kindergarten is a place that echoes with our laughter.  We’ve seen your wonderful sense of humour developing over this past year.  We’ve had some pretty awesome jokes, laughter and lots of winking!  Thank you for laughing with us during Storytime with our many character voices.   We love your giggling as you’re making coffee and breakfast pizza for the teachers in the House Corner.  How fun is it to get carried away with laughter because your teacher is laughing at her own jokes?

Kindergarten is a place inspired by your curiosity and wonder.  Boys and Girls, you are a very curious group of children!  Oh my goodness, we must have dozens of wonderful questions everyday!  Each time we brought out a new exploration you gathered around filled with questions and speculations about what we might do.  Our Mystery Box Inquiry, when you were developing your questioning skills, was a very exciting growing time for your brain as you were learning how to ask questions.

Kindergarten is a place rich in language and literature.  This has been one of the best years ever in the appreciation of a good book.  We have never had such an enthralled audience vie for the front of the carpet whenever we had a story to read aloud. We’re also proud to say, we’ve had more books brought in for “your choice” Sharing than ever before.  We’ve tried to read to you only the very, very best in children’s stories to build a solid foundation in all things literary.

Kindergarten is a place surrounded by love.  We have seen your love and affection for your friends.  We know you hold the hand of your classmates to bring comfort.  We see you walk the long upstairs hallway to get ice and a bandaid for a friend who got a bump.  The love in your eyes for your Big Buddies as you handed them a flower at their Promotion Ceremony speaks to your deep attachment for one another.

We have loved being your Kindergarten teachers this year, teachers who helped you to find out about yourselves as learners, teachers who led you to new discoveries and teachers who inspired you to dream that anything is possible.  You’re going to Grade One now, but we will always be here looking out for you.  You’re our Kindergarten children, and we love you very much.

We wish you a happy, wonderful, safe summer filled with sunshine and fun, your family and friends and lots of good books!  You’re in our hearts, forever and always,

Love, your Kindergarten Teachers


Where We Say Good-Bye to Kindergarten and to Mrs. Brady…This Week in Our Room: June 24-27, 2019 Our final recap for the last week of school…

We had so much fun at our Kindergarten Fun Day last Monday.  The children were almost giddy with excitement as they blew bubbles, played with sand, measured and poured water at the water table, and created sea creature crafts and pictures.  

Thank you so much to our parents who brought in the delicious watermelon and scooped ice-cream!  It’s been awhile since Christy and I have had to wipe tiny faces from ice-cream on cheeks and noses!  It was all very cute.

We continued our Beach theme with Mr. Seahorse by Eric Carle and a Deep Space Sparkle art project – we each made a seahorse!  The children are amazingly skilled at cutting using a template and we tissued, mod podged and glittered them to completion.

Wednesday afternoon was a presentation from Life Saving Society Water Wise.  There were four main points for your consideration:

Prepare It

-prepare by checking the weather to see if it’s a good time to be going out in a boat, the lake, beach or in an outdoor pool

-prepare by putting on sunscreen and showing your sun safety:  slip on a shirt, slap on a hat and sunglasses and slop on some sunscreen

-prepare by making a trip plan (who, what, when, where)

-prepare by bringing a whistle — 3 whistle blasts means I need help

Wear It

-wear a life jacket -whenever it’s cold, dark, deep and wavy

-wear a life jacket that fits properly and is suitable for the activity you are doing.  It should be in bright colours and have flotation in the front so you can float on your back.

Know It

-know how deep the water is and what is down below– look before you leap

-know that you should swim with a buddy, not an adult who is watching you from their deck chair or poolside, but somebody who can already swim, is older and in the water right beside you, preferably in a lifeguard supervised area

-know that you can call for help, throw a noodle or floatation device, or reach for someone using an oar or paddle (caution:  Kindergarten children are too light to probably do this)

Share It – share what you know with others!

We sent home the Edu-Pac school supplies for Grade One if you ordered them.  If you left school early, your school supplies are being held in the school office which you may pick up in the last week of August.  Please check the school website for our office hours.

Here’s a message for you from our Grade One Teachers:

Please label the following supplies with your child’s name or initials:

-pencil crayons (each one, just not the box)

-felt pens (each one)

-pencil boxes


-pencil sharpeners

Please do not label these supplies:

-notebooks, duotangs, glue, pencils, erasers

On Thursday morning, we gathered one final time as a school community for our beloved Principal, friend and mentor, Mrs. Brady, as she prepares to retire at the end of this school year.  As you remember, we collected $2 from each student to contribute to Mrs. Brady’s gift from the children and staff.  We decided to purchase a Pandora charm bracelet, with a special charm from each grade.

The Kindergarten chose the Fairy Tale Princess charm.  Two children from our classes presented the charm and here’s what they said:

The Kindergarten classes chose this Royal charm to represent our love of fairy tales and all things sparkling and magical.  You are our Queen!

This is the last newsletter for our Kindergarten year.  We want to thank all of our Kindergarten families for their love and support through the year.  We hope you will drop by and visit us from time to time as you pass through the hallways and doors to Grade One!  Have a happy, safe summer!