Countdown to Christmas…

IMG_4717As we enjoy another clear, crisp and sunny day in Vancouver this last Sunday in November, our thoughts have already turned to…Christmas.

We’re well past Remembrance Day now, so we’ve allowed ourselves to indulge in thinking about Christmas at home and school.

We’re both early decorators at home for the holidays. Christy has earned

The adorable Christmas Village...

The adorable Christmas Village…

the illustrious nickname of “Christy Christmas” so you can imagine how fun and cute everything is at her house. Me? This picture from my Twitter profile gives you a clue as to what my Christmas obsession has been for the past 15 years.


Some of my favourites from my vintage Christmas ornament collection

Some favourites from my vintage collection.

Some favourites from my vintage collection.

Besides planning for the festivities (we’re both cooking Christmas dinner this year), decorating (Christmas tree, outdoor lights, decorative touches around the house, fresh floral arrangements), baking (cookies, cookies and more cookies for the teenagers) there is the final and inevitable task of…Christmas shopping.

We don’t enjoy Christmas shopping like we used to. When our kids were much younger, Christmas shopping was a lot more fun: we would buy what we, the parents, wanted to give them. We would be able to visit one or two wonderful toy stores and cover the majority of our lists. Now their Christmas lists are very specific, from far-flung stores and might we say…expensive?

Here’s a little poem about Christmas gift-giving we came across a few years ago from a comment a reader left in a personal finance blog….

Something you wish for
Something you need
Something to wear
And something to read.

When we proposed this to the teenagers, it didn’t go over particularly well (“What? Only four gifts?”) But they did understand the sentiment behind it, that perhaps simplifying gift-giving at Christmas might be something to be considered when we reflect on what Christmas is truly about on a personal level.

However, the one gift that we haven’t changed too much is the Christmas Book Bag.

The Self-Regulated Teacher

blogA Christmas tradition from our homes has been to give a book bag every year to our children (thank you to Dianne W. for this wonderful idea).

When they were young, we bought mostly picture books, activity books and comics; and although it’s changed to reference books, novels and magazines as they’ve grown older, it’s a gift our kids still look forward to every year. It’s the one present they can open while they’re waiting for the parents to get up. We have to admit it’s pretty funny to walk down the stairs on Christmas morning and see your kids sitting quietly reading around the tree! But it’s extremely gratifying as well.

We thought we’d share with you some of the Christmas books we’ve selected over the years. All of these books are beautifully written, rich with language and charming illustrations. We hope that you might find one (or more)…

View original post 291 more words

Elmer the Safety Elephant

FullSizeRenderOn Wednesday we welcomed Elmer, the Safety Elephant, and his special friend, Mrs. Young, to our Kindergarten classrooms.  Elmer comes to us from the North Shore Safety Council.  Although some of the children said they had met Elmer before, we know as parents and teachers there is no such thing as “too much” when it comes to the safety of our children.  Elmer brought along his trusty friend, Ruff, the Dog, as well.  Elmer gives two presentations a year, and today’s was about pedestrian, car and traffic safety.  We will learn about bicycle safety in the spring.

We learned a valuable lesson with Elmer, and that is, it is our choice whether we choose to be safe or not.  We all want to be able to play safely and enjoy ourselves with our family, but we need to make the right choices when doing so.

Elmer talked to us about several different scenarios.  First, when a toy, such as ball, rolls out onto the road, we just leave it.  Elmer reminded us the toy is just a thing.  It might be a special thing, but we should ask an adult for help to get it back.

In addition, what do we do when a toy falls between parked cars?  An adult has to help us.  Children cannot be seen when they step off the sidewalk, and a car may pull forward not knowing a child is in front of it.  So it is important that the children ask an adult to retrieve the toy.

We learned that pedestrians are people who are walking places.  As pedestrians, when we cross the street we know we should look in both directions.  But we also need to look behind us:   over our shoulder and towards the cars coming from another direction.  Did you know we don’t say “Look in both directions” anymore?   Now we say, “We look all ways” or “We look in all directions.”  When there is no sidewalk, the safest place to walk is on the grass or side of the road facing traffic.  As pedestrians, we want to be able to see what is happening with the cars coming towards us.

Here is a fun poem Elmer shared with us about traffic lights.  He brought a big set of traffic lights to show us.

“I am red and I say stop.  See me shining at the top

I am yellow and I say wait.  Please be patient even if you are late.

I am green and I say go.  But be careful and walk.”

Elmer also showed us what the pedestrian controlled lights mean:

The hand lit in red means “stop” and our feet stay on the sidewalk.
The walking figure lit in green means it’s time to walk.  But before you walk, look all ways.

Elmer spoke about safety equipment when riding a skateboard or riding a bicycle.  Cyclists and skateboarders must wear helmets when they are using these pieces of equipment, because it is the law.  For our own protection, we should also wear elbow and knee pads while skateboarding and shoes and socks to protect our feet on a bike or skateboard.

Ruff, the Dog stopped by for a short visit to tell us it’s the law to wear a seatbelt while we are in the car.  We need to listen for the “click” sound of the seatbelt as the latch engages.  If the children do not hear that sound when they put on their seatbelt, they should tell you immediately.  

As a further reminder, Ruff said we can hear that click sound again if we are on our bicycle.  We need to listen to the “click” of our bicycle helmet as we engage the latch and adjust it to fit under our chin.  Please remember that you need to wear a helmet that is the right size.

Thank you again to Elmer the Elephant and Ruff the Dog!  We can never be too safe when it comes to our children.

This Week in Our Room:  November 23-26, 2015

Please check the new Special Helper and Sharing calendar.  Our new theme is Holiday Traditions.  More information can be found on the Parent Board outside the classroom, and we sent out a Remind about it earlier this week.

We finished the letter “I” this week in the Alphabet.  We will complete letters “J” and “K” before the holidays.

We’re getting ready for the Christmas Concert and starting to think about costumes for our grade.  The musical is called “Toys” and our Kindergarten children will be dressing up as Prince and Princess Dolls.

Girls: please wear a princess costume (Disney Princess is fine) and crown.  No wands, please.

Boys:  please wear a long sleeved green top and black pants.  We will supply the gold garland sash and prepare the crowns at school.  If you have a crown, please let us know.

Wednesday, December 2 is our Christmas Cracker Craft project with our Buddy classes.  Our crackers will be donated to various organizations around the city.  We are in need of ribbon to tie off the ends of the crackers.  If you have any bolts of curling ribbon, or Christmas ribbon you are no longer using, we would gladly receive your donations.  Thank you.

An Introduction to the Bear in First Nations Art and Stories:  Kindergarten Social Studies

One of things you quickly learn as a classroom teacher is that there is never enough time to teach everything you want, and have to, cover every year.  In addition to the mandated curriculum, there’s also the holidays (for us, an essential part of Kindergarten, and it also ties in with Social Studies) and just the curious and interesting things that you want to do with your class because of your personal interests, ideas you learn about from other teachers or activities you think your class will just enjoy and have fun doing.  Therefore, the process of integration, combining two or more subject areas, comes into play.

We integrate a lot, because it’s the only way we can fit in everything we have to do, and want to do, with our Kinders.

So here’s what’s going on with us this year.

In the new Kindergarten Social Studies curriculum, Aboriginal Education and learning about the First Peoples’ culture, will be an integral part of our teaching and learning.

We wanted to focus on the symbolic meaning of specific animals according to the First Nations.  We were thinking about the salmon, bear and eagle as our starting point as they are familiar animals here on the Westcoast.  The animals are a topic the Kindergarten children will be interested in, understand and make a connection with in their own lives.

At the same time, we are beginning our study of local animals in the Natural World (Science), and we have taught within the theme of Bears because not only are bears local and relevant to our area, but we can tie in a literature focus on well-known Bears in stories, such as “The Three Bears” and Corduroy by Don Freeman.  This also allows us to have a discussion on the differences between fiction and non-fiction stories.

In order to fit everything in, we’re going to have to integrate Reading, Language and Literacy (stories and literary activities on the bear theme), Community (Social Studies) (the bear, and we will extend to include other animals and their symbolic meaning in First Nations teaching), The Natural World (Science) (bear behaviour) and Art activities.

Children’s literature is of primary importance to us and so we always like to begin with a good book.  As Kindergarten teachers, we need to revisit the classic children’s stories with our students through the Primary years to build a broad knowledge base of literature.  We make constant references and cross-references to Fairy Tales, Nursery Rhymes, and other well known books, in our everyday discussions.  We discussed schema theory in a recent post, and the importance of building a common understanding when developing a new topic or idea.

We asked our teacher-librarian, Mrs. Kennedy, to help us with the Aboriginal Education resources, and other Bear books, and she had some wonderful treasures waiting for our classes during Library this week!

FullSizeRender-10We Greet the Four Animals (Terry Mack and Bill Helin) This book describe the four animals, Eagle, Wolf, Bear and Buffalo, and the gifts or teachings that are offered to us.  The children look to the East to thank the Eagle for the teachings of truth or honesty; when they face the South, they greet the Wolf and are thankful for the gifts of being brave and having courage.  The children look to the West to thank the bear who Bear teaches about love; and they face the North to thank for the Buffalo for the gift of being able to listen to others.  

Explore the Animals:  Northwest Coast First Nations and Native Art. FullSizeRender-9 This book has beautiful black and white drawings for the children to colour and a brief explanation of the animals.

FullSizeRender-8Black Bears (Tammy Gagne)  In keeping with learning about many types of bears, our children began with this book.

As the children are learning about the First Nation’s people, they are learning about the similarities and differences between our cultures.  In this way, they can develop an appreciation of themselves and others as individuals, but also how we all work and live together in the broader community.

This Week in Our Room, November 16-20, 2015

FullSizeRender-7We had a super successful Popcorn Day!  Thank you so much for supporting the Grade 7 Grad Committee.

Here is a blog post we wrote last year about Popcorn Day and self-regulation.

Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Ridgeview Library!  We just found out this week at Library. This is a very fun event for students, and parents looking to get ahead on their Christmas shopping.  We sent home the Scholastic Brochure this week.  The brochure has the raffle ticket coupon on the back so pleasure encourage your child to fill it in and drop it in the raffle box when you visit the Book Fair.

The Book Fair begins Monday, November 30 and runs until Friday, December 4.  Times are before school, recess, lunch and after school.  An official schedule will be out soon.  Mrs. Kennedy, our Teacher-Librarian, is looking for parent volunteers to run the cash desk (and tidy up the books following each opening) so here is a great way to help and and be part of our school community!

Kindergarten students will have an opportunity to visit the Book Fair with their teachers on their Library Day.  However, any purchases by our students need to be made with their parents so please plan a day and time so your children will know when they get to look and possibly buy.

We had fresh carrots this week for a snack as our school is part of the BC Schools Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.

As part of our Natural World studies in Science, we are learning about bears as part of our local animals in our area.  This week we also kicked off our Bears in Literature with the book, Corduroy by Don Freeman.  We will follow up with a booklist of our favourite Bear books in the coming weeks.  Mrs. Kennedy, our Teacher-Librarian, is also teaching us the meaning of the Bear according to the First People’s culture.

We have many children with stuffy noses, colds and coughs.  Please review with your children how to blow their nose (and washing hands promptly afterwards) and coughing into their elbow.  We’re trying very hard to manage the germ spread in our classes.  We have so many fun and exciting things upcoming we don’t want anyone to get sick.

Upcoming Events and Reminders

Wednesday, November 25:  Elmer the Safety Elephants visits the Kindergarten

Friday, November 27:  District Professional Day (school is not in session for students)

Monday, November 30-Friday, December 4:  Scholastic Book Fair in the Library

Wednesday, December 2:  Christmas Cracker Craft Event with our Buddies

Self-Regulation Tool: Frog’s Breathtaking Speech

IMG_2088The days are flying by right now.  From our Hallowe’en Centres Party and the Hallowe’en Assembly, we went straight to Remembrance Day activities and the Remembrance Day Assembly.  Although we’re going to be starting our theme on “Bears” for the next few weeks, we’ve already started planning ahead to Christmas which is going to be here in no time at all.

In between times we’re continuing with our Alphabet letter of the week (sound/symbol relationship and correct letter formation), writing pages for our class big books, and working on phonological awareness skills (phonemic awareness, syllable awareness, rhyme awareness, word awareness and sentence awareness).

We’ve seen our Buddies for seasonal craft-making and to start putting our Kindergarten scrapbooks together for our children’s special momentos of some of the best work they will have completed this year.

And in math, we are having a lot of fun with sorting and classifying, counting sets to 10 and we’re always working on the new pattern for each month (November is ABC) and being attentive to where we might see that pattern in everyday life.

Wow, we’ve been busy.  We think it’s time for a self-regulatory moment and a Crocodile breath.

Here is a gorgeous book we want to share with you about breathing. Thank you to our Kindergarten teaching partner, Charity Cantlie, for bringing it to our attention!

FullSizeRender-6Frog’s Breathing Speech:  How Children (and Frogs) Can Use Yoga Breathing to Deal with Anxiety, Anger and Tension by Michael Chissick and Sarah Peacock, is a beautifully written book that tells the story of Frog, who must give a speech about breathing to his class.  He knows nothing about breathing, and so asks his friends for help. Crocodile, Lion, Humming Bee and Mr.Gumble the Woodchopper all explain how they use their breath for specific situations (calming, tension, headache, anger), what they do and why their breathing strategy works for them.  Frog becomes less scared as his friends teach him about breathing and of course, after reflecting and choosing the appropriate technique for his situation, he gives an excellent speech at school the next day.

We don’t want to give away the whole book, but as a brief example, Crocodile shows Frog how he breathes:  “I breathe IN through my nose, Then I breathe OUT through my nose.”  We love how he explains that this technique of breathing is for calming, and that if we are feeling “worried, anxious or even frightened about something, this way of breathing will help you deal with it better.”  The colourful illustrations show how the animals’ posture for breathing.

The author has also included a lot more valuable information about how to use the book in your teaching, including the postures and breathing techniques for the children.

Breathing is a very important self-regulation strategy we use daily in our classrooms.  We have a designated time, immediately after recess, where we intentionally practise our breathing.  Our routine has the children enter the classroom quietly and we meditate to quiet music.  Many children instinctively know to sit cross legged, spine straight, eyes closed and their palms on their knees.  Following the music we begin the core practise and we lead the children through a deep breathing sequence, being mindful of our breath, gently pushing sounds away, to listen to ourselves breathe.

In the afternoon, before we have a read aloud story, we deliberately practise our breathing again, using the breathing ball  (which we think is best suited for the Crocodile and Humming Bee breathing techniques).

We are going to start teaching the breathing techniques of Frog’s friends in the upcoming weeks.  We’re ready to deepen our learning and understanding of breathing so the children can continue adding to their toolkit of self-regulation strategies that work for them.

We would like to thank our Principal, Valerie Brady, for kindly purchasing this book (and others to be shared in a future post) for each of our classrooms.

For more on this book and others, visit


Remembrance Day Reflections-Art, Writing and Literature

IMG_2145We read two very special books this Remembrance Day, A Poppy is to Remember by Heather Patterson and Ron Lightburn and The Peace Book by Todd Parr.

We read A Poppy is to Remember on Tuesday, before we headed off to our Remembrance Day Assembly.  It’s a gorgeous book, beautifully illustrated and an excellent jumping off point for our young students.

IMG_2094One of the art projects we worked on for Remembrance Day was to make a poppy using a block print made from an acorn squash.  The acorn squash had been hanging out in the classroom for a few days, along with a few other gourds.  Each time we passed them as we were lining up, two or three children were always touching them, feeling the deep grooves and ribs and bumps of these fascinating vegetables.

The children watched us cut it open (you don’t often get to see your teacher doing food prep) and a few children excitedly scooped out the seeds.  Then we cut the potato and we were ready to begin.

IMG_2117We painted the acorn squash red and printed it onto grey construction paper.

Then we painted the potato black and printed the centre of our poppy. Gorgeous!



Most of you know that we are huge Todd Parr fans and the The Peace Book is one of our favourites.


We introduced the book earlier this week, and started with a discussion about the topic of peace.  Here are some of the children’s thoughts:


And the work they completed for our class big book.


FullSizeRender-2With our Grade 7 Buddies we made our peace doves.  It’s been really fun with our Buddies over the past number of years because Christy and I taught these very children when they were either in Grade One or Kindergarten as that was the time of our job-share.  We can have a bit of a laugh with the Big Buddies as they remember the crafts from when they were little (and many of them still have their Kindergarten work) and we can all share some stories about their Kindergarten class.

This Week in Our Room:  November 8-13, 2015

Please ensure that everyday your child comes with a full kit of clothing for the wet, cold weather.  A warm jacket, hat, gloves and boots are necessities.  If your child wishes to have an addition fleece layer, we think that’s a great idea.

Some of the children have asked us if they can stay inside for the rainy recess times.  Unfortunately, we do not have enough staff for supervision of individual students.  If your child is not feeling well, and cannot manage all aspects of the full day of school, it’s probably best to stay home for a few days, rest and come back to school ready to play.

We’re still collecting wrapping paper, ribbon and clean, tissue-free paper rolls for our Christmas Cracker project.  Thank you for your donations.


Our Rights, Role and Responsibilities…as Canadian Citizens:  Kindergarten Social Studies

IMG_2120One of the Big Ideas from the new BC Social Studies Curriculum for Kindergarten is “Rights, roles, and responsibilities shape our identity and help us build healthy relationships with others.”

This month, as a prelude to our class work about Remembrance Day, we decided to start exploring this Big Idea through the lens of what it means to be a Canadian citizen and how our rights, roles and responsibilities as Canadians shape our personal identity.

In Kindergarten we begin with where the children are in their learning, and preferably shared learning, so that we all have the same common base from which to build knowledge.  The children then bring their personal experiences, which makes the discussions rich with language and images, as they connect their understandings to their new learning.

Our practice is built on schema theory, or how we make sense out of new experiences and new information by activating our prior, or background, knowledge.  The new experiences and information are interpreted by what we already know, our schema.  Schema refers to a person’s knowledge.  Our knowledge has been developing since we were infants, through our senses and growing with each new experience.  We need to have the appropriate schema to “hang” the new knowledge on, in order to make sense of what we do not know or understand. 

We make sense of our new experiences and learning through assimilation, which is (like the Borg) when we have to extend our prior knowledge to integrate the new knowledge or accommodation, when we change what we know to integrate the new knowledge. Schema theory is significant in the area of reading comprehension, as we need to bring the appropriate schema to new text in order to make sense and understand what we are reading.  The role of schema theory in reading comprehension is due to the work of educational psychologist, Richard Anderson.

That is why, so often, teachers will use brainstorming, KWL (what we Know, what we Want to know, what we have Learned) or a class provocation to build a common schema before starting a new unit of instruction.

Proud Canadians

A common experience for all of our Ridgeview school population is that we sing, “O Canada,” every day at school (we sing in French on Fridays).  In our classrooms we stand facing the Canadian flag.  The pride with which the Kindergarten sings the national anthem is extremely moving.

To create a common body of knowledge for our students, we started a provocation with a small Canadian flag and asked the children what it meant to be a Canadian citizen. Words and phrases such as “maple leaf,” “Canadian flag,” “maple trees” and “red and white” were among the first ideas to be shared.  Many children also knew that a Canadian citizen was someone who was born in Canada.

We introduced the concept of “role” to the children by asking them, “What do you think is one of your jobs as a Canadian citizen?”  Some of the children said they were proud of Canada.  When asked to “tell us more about that” one student said he was dreaming of the Toronto Blue Jays.  That led to more pride as we discussed the BC Lions, the Vancouver Canucks and totem poles.

We defined “rights” as something you “should” have, when talking about the children’s rights as Canadians.  They children responded quickly with “clean water to drink” and “healthy food.”  But just as important as those ideas, was the right to “having a great family.” A five-year old child can have a very wise soul….

Kindergarten children of today are socially very responsible.  The concept of recycling “pack out garbage; we recycle; we reuse” and water conservation “be careful with water use” are familiar to them, having been modeled and discussed by their parents and teachers their whole lives.

So what did we take away from our initial lessons?

We learned that right now our children see their role as Canadian citizens as being proud Canadians, proud of teams and symbols that represent their country.

We learned that right now our children see that their rights as Canadian citizens include a loving, supportive home and a healthy diet.

We learned that right now our children see that their responsibilities as Canadian citizens are to be good stewards of their planet Earth.

That’s about as Canadian as it gets, eh?

FullSizeRender-3Assemblies – Expected Behavior

Ridgeview has many assemblies during the school year.  Sometimes they are to celebrate an occasion such as Hallowe’en, other times they might commemorate a special day as in our Remembrance Day Assembly upcoming on Tuesday, November 10.

Each assembly has a different purpose; however, students are always expected to walk into the gym quietly, sit patiently while waiting for the speakers and applaud appropriately.  At no time will shouting, hooting or yelling be tolerated.  These are not games.  Rather, it’s an opportunity for our student school community to come together as one.

You can help prepare our Kindergarten children by discussing with them the expected behaviour  for this week’s assembly.  Your child’s self-regulation is important, and these are routines that we have practiced repeatedly during the first few weeks of school, and will continue to teach and reinforce throughout the school year:

  1. Walk quietly in line with their teacher, facing forward to pay attention to where the teacher is walking
  2. Stay together as a line, so there are no gaps
  3. Mouths are closed and hands are at our side
  4. In the gym, sit quietly on the Kindergarten bench, hands to self, feet are still and on the floor

Occasionally, parents are invited to the school assemblies.  We welcome your attendance and interest in our school activities! 

You can support us by not waving, calling or trying to get the attention of your children.  We have instructed the children not to wave, call out or respond to others while walking to, or during, assemblies.  Developing focus, patience and waiting without complaining, are life-long skills our children will need as teenagers, adults and in their social relationships.

Autumn’s Favourite Things

IMG_2100It’s been a lovely post-Hallowe’en week, kind of like the week after Christmas when the Big Day is done and now we’re just basking in the glow of having all the hard work behind us but we can still enjoy the decorations and eat the remaining cookies.

We’re settling into a beautiful autumn season and we thought we’d share with you some of our favourite things.

FullSizeRender-2We officially wrapped up Hallowe’en with a couple of class big books we wrote this week.  “On Hallowe’en Night,” is about our costumes and trick-or-treating, and the other is based on the counting book,
Little Beasties by Rebecca Emberley and Ed Emberley.  The children loved the geometric detail of the beasties, and were quite calm as one of the beasties ate the other nine.  For our class book, the children each created a beastie page with black and white construction paper with a little added colour detail.  Another great activity to improve the fine motor skills of cutting and pasting for small hands.


With the return of wet and rainy weather, our children are bringing their boots and raincoats.  We just love these cute little boots!  And we love watching our children plod their way through the puddles as we walk towards the playground.

IMG_2084Last week the children were playing and investigating the puddles
forming at the bottom of the swings.  We had some very wet and muddy faces-just adorable!

We’re enjoying some beautiful fall colour right now.  Nothing as IMG_2089gorgeous as the east coast, but in our own little spot here in West Vancouver we still get to see some brilliant colour.

Have you heard this amazing album? “Autumn” is one of four albums recorded by George Winston (among others) which focus on the seasons, including “Winter into Spring,” “Summer” and “December” (our personal favourite).  Each album is a collection of piano solos.  This is the music we listen to everyday after recess (depending upon the season, of course) for a few minutes, just to relax our bodies.  We turn off all the lights in the classroom (except for the fairy lights) and just sit peacefully listening to the music.  Afterwards, we do the core practice from the Mind-Up Curriculum.  It’s a lovely 7-8 minutes of pure calm and exceptional musicianship.


Our favourite autumn book is In November by Cynthia Rylant and illustrated by Jill Kastner. The paintings and text are sublime.  


“In November, the earth is growing quiet.

It is making its bed, a winter bed for flowers

and small creatures.  The bed is white

and silent, and much life can hide beneath

its blankets.”

This Week in Our Room: November 2-6, 2015

We’re back in our alphabet groove as we completed the letter “F” this week.  We will send home the children’s alphabet craft and their printing practise page next week.

IMG_2097We’re beginning to discuss our rights, roles and responsibilities as Canadian citizens, from a child’s perspective. We read aloud some beautiful books by Per-Henrik Gurth and Kim Bellefontaine, ABC of Canada, Canada in Colours and Canada 123 to start our thinking. It seemed timely to revisit, with appreciation, all that living in Canada signifies, as we approach Remembrance Day.  We’ll be talking about the peace and freedom we have today, how it was achieved and what peace means to each of us as individuals, next week.

We got to see our Grade 7 Buddies this week to make our peace doves to hang in our classroom.  Being with our buddies is certainly one of the highlights in our Kindergarten day.

Upcoming Events and Reminders

Card Project follow-up:  Our card samples arrived and we sent them home today! For more information, visit Please note that your orders must be placed by November 13.


Our children will attend the Remembrance Day Assembly on Tuesday morning next week.  It’s a serious assembly, different from our Hallowe’en festivities, as there will be no talking or clapping by the audience.  We will review our school’s expectations for this assembly in Sunday’s post.

Remembrance Day is Wednesday, November 11, and school will not be in session.