Kindergarten Readiness


Here are some helpful tips to help your child get ready for Ridgeview Kindergarten:

  • Prepare and share a balanced, healthy breakfast before the time your child would need to leave for school.
  • Teach your child how to put on, do up, and take off his/her coat or jacket; and how to hang it on a hook
  • Teach your child how to put on and take off his/her running shoes; please use slip-on or Velcro running shoes at school, not laces unless he/she is able to lace them up independently
  • Visit our school and playground with your child a few times before school starts. Teach your child how to use the playground equipment in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Encourage your child to tidy up the toys he/she is playing with before going on to a new toy or activity.
  • Practice having a quiet time each day when your child can choose a book to read or a toy to lay down with on his/her own.
  • Enjoy activities and play games together that require taking turns, sharing, listening and following routines and commands. These are skills needed for Kindergarten.
  • Ensure your child knows how to wash his/her hands before and after eating and after using the washroom.
  • Teach your child how to blow his/her nose into a tissue, and then to wash his/her hands afterwards.
  • Help your child choose a school knapsack that he/she can unzip and open independently.
  • Prepare your child for lunch eating time at school. Give time and encouragement to practice opening a lunch bag and small containers, and use a non-spill water bottle independently.
  • Before going to bed, let your child choose what he/she will wear to the next day.
  • A week or two before school starts, begin to put your child to bed at the time he/she will be going when school starts. Get your child up at the time he/she will be getting up for school. Young children should get at least 10 hours of sleep each night.
  • Familiarize yourself and your child with the Kindergarten Readiness Pyramid (see enclosed chart).

(These and other tips for starting Kindergarten can be found on The Learning Partnership website


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